Öst. Veteranenchampion
Little Violet’s US Starlet
Daten Fiona
Geboren am: | 17.09.2004 |
Gestorben am: | |
Gesundheit: | HD A, ED frei, OCD-Frei |
Wesenstest: | bestanden |
Show: | |
Work: |
Multi CH Sequins Shamrock | Inassicas Song of Songs NuCh, SuCh, IntCh, NordicCh & Trailer | Shanlimore Falcon |
Inassica's Stephanie | ||
Woodland Paradise Spring Classic JWW '00 | Dewmist Seascenario | |
Keymer Tornado | ||
Wheatcroft Diamond Violet | SH CH Erinderry Diamond Edge of Glenavis | CH / Irish CH Papet a Philosopher |
Irish SH CH Erinderry Amber of Tyrol | ||
Wheatcroft Sky's the Limit RCC | Kerrien Churchill of Sansue | |
Wheatcroft Sandy Shore |